Why LLMs Hallucinate and How to Reduce LLM Hallucinations using Chatbotly

26 Aug 2024

Have you ever talked to a chatbot that said something weird or wrong? That's called a "hallucination." It's like when the AI is daydreaming and makes stuff up. Let's talk about why this happens and how we can make it better.

Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized natural language processing, but they come with an inherent challenge: hallucinations. These are instances where the model generates information that is false, inconsistent, or unrelated to the input. It's important to understand that LLMs are fundamentally non-deterministic and are, in a sense, designed to "hallucinate" or generate novel content. While we can't completely eliminate hallucinations, we can work to reduce them.

Types of LLM Hallucinations

There are three main types of hallucinations in LLMs, according to A Survey on Hallucination in Large Vision-Language Models by Hanchao Liu et al:

  1. Fact-conflicting hallucination: The LLM generates content that contradicts established world knowledge.

  2. Input-conflicting hallucination: The model produces information that deviates from the source provided by users.

  3. Context-conflicting hallucination: The LLM generates content that conflicts with previously generated data within the same conversation.

Reasons for LLM Hallucinations

Several factors contribute to hallucinations in LLMs:

  1. Vague or conflicting prompts: Unclear or contradictory instructions can lead to confused outputs.

  2. Reliance on incomplete or contradictory datasets: The quality and consistency of training data significantly impact model performance.

  3. Incomplete chunking: When context is not properly maintained, answers may be taken out of context.

Strategies to Reduce LLM Hallucinations

While we can't eliminate hallucinations entirely, several strategies can help mitigate them:

  1. Prompt engineering: Crafting clear, specific prompts can guide the model towards more accurate responses.

  2. Self-reflection: Implementing mechanisms for the model to review and correct its own outputs.

  3. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG): Incorporating external knowledge sources to ground the model's responses in verified information.

  4. Instruction fine-tuning: Tailoring the model to follow specific instructions more accurately.

How Chatbotly Helps Reduce LLM Hallucinations

At Chatbotly, we work hard to make our AI Assistants as accurate as possible. Here's what we do:

  1. Two-Stage Information Lookup:
    We use a smart system to find answers. First, it looks at frequently asked questions (FAQs) that you provide. If it can't find an answer there, it then searches through your website or documents. This helps make sure the AI uses the most reliable information first.

  2. Source Transparency:
    In our playground, you can see exactly where the AI got its information. This helps you understand and trust the answers, and fix any problems in the sources.

  3. Customisable Settings:
    You can choose the model and adjust the model temperature to set how creative or strict the AI is, helping you find the right balance for your needs.

  4. High-Quality Information Processing:
    We've worked hard to make sure our AI understands and uses information accurately. We use best word embeddings and vector databases to make sure the search results are relevant.

What You Can Do to Help Minimize LLM Hallucinations

If you're using Chatbotly, here are some tips to make your AI Assistant even better:

  1. Keep Your FAQs Updated:
    Regularly check and update your frequently asked questions. Make sure they don't contradict each other.

  2. Check Your Data Sources:
    Make sure the information you're giving the AI is accurate and relevant. Remove old or incorrect information from your website or remove irrelevant URLs from your training data sources. The cleaner your data, the better the AI performs.

  3. Double Check Your Prompt:
    When setting up your AI, give it clear and simple instructions. Avoid long, complicated prompts that might confuse the model. Make sure there are no conflicting instructions in your prompt.

  4. Test and Improve:
    Use our playground to test different questions. Check the sources that were used to generate the answers. If you find mistakes, look at where the information came from and fix it.

  5. Use the Right Model Settings:
    Experiment with different AI models and temperature settings in Chatbotly to find what works best for your use-case.

By following these tips and using Chatbotly's features, you can create an AI chatbot that's smarter, more accurate, and more helpful for your users. Remember, it's a team effort between you and the AI to provide the best possible information!

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